Honors Chemistry
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Username: youngl@mdusd.k12.ca.us
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Zumdahl & Zumdahl. (2007). Chemistry 7th edition. New York, New York: Houghton Mifflin Company
Buckey Balls by popular science -www.popsci.com
Kevin Taylor ©2015 All rights reserved.
Course Description:
Welcome to Honors Chemistry! Honors Chemistry will be taught as a first-year college introduction to a chemistry course. Prerequisites include successful completion of Geometry with a grade of C or better. It also requires concurrent enrollment in Algebra II and a recommendation from your current math/science teacher. It can be used to fill a UC/CSU requirement for a laboratory science course. Chemistry is a study of our world, looking at the atom and how it relates to other topics, taught using the Next Generation Science Standards. This course will cover a wide range of topics. For this course, the GPA is A=5, B=4, C=3. As this is an accelerated course, I expect the students to put in the extra work and effort for the accelerated GPA.
Welcome to Honors Chemistry. I am looking forward to an outstanding year. Please see the useful information below as well as the assignments page for links. Be sure to check out the student resources page for helpful links. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have.
-Mr. Taylor